18 hour day ends with Pagode

Teacher Day

Early early start to get Kathryn to airport. She gets first plane to Brasilia and then will be waiting and hoping for the connection to Lisbon later in the day. In the meantime I prepare or a 6 hour day with 24 teachers. I have agreed a pedagogy for the day with Dan with three key areas of delivery and a continual reflection that keeps action out of the day as the focus. Great bunch of people in the room with an energy and interest. We are quickly into singing and playing and at first they are no different to any bunch of people in a room. Hesitant with their voices, scared of rhythm and slightly hysterical when on the spot. We have a great time and the rhythm work brings a deep emotion from some people who play rhythm for the FIRST time. The vocal warm ups elicit the following thoughts

In 25 years of teaching we have never talked about the voice

No opportunity to do this, no space

The voice is fundamental

The emotions are strong, this is intimate

So much content based pedagogy. This drives it all and all this activity is left to one side. My first music workshop

Last week I went to my doctor and he was doing similar things.

We think all the time about taking care of the pupils and never ourselves

In the afternoon we write curriculum based songs using a few formulas for structures


and then the TV arrive and we do interviews

and then each group performs their song and we discuss the process and the future of each song.


The last 75 minutes is talking reflection as everyone talks about their experience…. Here are some of the comments

Transmitting values. Very new. Social values. Emotional. Believe that people can make a difference. Felt like a pupil. Music and art motivates and very different from usual training days Now vital to take it out to the classroom I have done this before and do it with my classes. In Bahia there is a great deal of this work. We really worked – content and invention and play. Everyone happy. Rare experience. Language of music makes the differences smaller. We need the collective. More powerful than working alone. Must take responsibility for taking this forward.

This week has changed the school and we will move it forward.

My audience figures for the week

Monday 240 pupils / 12 teachers

Tuesday 480 pupils

Wednesday 24 musicleaders / 140 audience

Thursday 60 young leaders / 45 young band players

Friday 24 teachers

Will I return ?

I finished the day with a swim with the kids in the fast flowing river as the sun set….

Later after a light meal of Acai we sit at Bertos bar and listen as a group of friends play endless beautiful Pagode